This week my organic veggie supplier delivered some beautiful basil. I just had to make some pesto from it. I used the tops of the beets, added some olive oil and walnuts, and last some muun chi Lemon Chia Pudding.
This so easy and delicious. I use it on pasta, as a spread on your favorite flatbread, or on a bed of zucchini.
2 c fresh basil (leaves and stems)
1 c fresh beet tops
1/4 c nutritional yeast
1/2 c walnuts
4 cloves of garlic
1/2 c olive oil
1/2 c muun chi Lemon Turmeric Chia Pudding
Salt and pepper
I tried making this and added muun chi Sweet Immunity, and tossed it as the dressing for my pasta. Try adding some cherry tomatoes, muun chi fauxmage and chopped greens. Yummmmm.