How wonderful to experience special moments to socialize and be with friends. Last night I celebrated my dear friend’s birthday outside near a firepit, and today I was invited to another friend’s home for a pot luck…outside and masked.
What pot luck doesn’t need a mac and cheese? I hope you enjoy mine.
Plant-based Butternut Squash sauce that can be used in a variety of ways
2 cups cut up butter nut squash
1 large carrot cut up
1 red bell pepper cut up
1 small onion
place these in a 425 degree oven til tender about 30 min
While your no grain pasta is boiling - cook until al denote, prepare your sauce. In a blender
place your roasted veggies along with
1/2 c muun chi CoCoFir
1/4 c nutritional yeast
1 T turmeric
1 T chickpea miso
1 clove garlic
1/2 tsp smoked paprika
crushed red pepper (optional)
salt and pepper
Blend until smooth and stir in with your pasta.
Serve with a garnish of sprigs of basil, a squeeze of lime or an extra sprinkle of paprika. Yum.….