Have you ever tried to make a hummus from white navy beans? It's super easy and soooo good for you! The white navy bean is the least expensive bean out there, and it ranks as number one in heart health, which is muun chi's focus this month of September.
2 c cooked white navy beans (we like to cook ours in the instapot - the high pressure breaks down any lectins. You may also choose to soak them overnight, and then cook them the next day)
6 cloves of garlic
1/3 c olive oil
3/4 cup muun chi Lemon Turmeric Chia Pudding
Salt and pepper to taste
Puree the beans in a food processor, slowly adding the garlic and olive oil. After ingredients have combined, add the pudding and blend until desired consistency. I like my hummus a little chunky, but some prefer their hummus to be smooth. Serve with a little olive oil in the middle, and some shaved lemon on top. Serve with sliced veggies and watch it disappear. Your heart and gut will be thanking you!