What I've observed over the years of loving food, is that every culture shares similar basics. There's a dumpling, a bread, a soup, a bowl. The ingredients change, but the same idea is there - sharing love so we connect and nourish our hearts and souls, not to mention our guts!
I hope you love this bread as much as I do. It's so easy to make! I love the taste, texture, versatility of it, and I love that it's all good for you and our Earth - muun chi's duo mission. It goes with so many things! I may have to start serving it at the market, packaged and ready to go, because I know how busy you are and I want you to have another opportunity to have your gut sing!
3/4 muun chi CoCoFir
1/2 tsp sea salt
(2 small cloves garlic , minced)
3/4 c almond pulp dried and pulsed fine, or coconut flour
3/4 c tapioca starch
If making Chinese scallion cakes, fold in cut up scallions.
If making Indian naan, add more garlic.
If making an Italian Flatbread, add chopped rosemary and thyme.
Mix ingredients in bowl until you have a nice ball of dough. It may look dry at first, but keep working the dough. If needed, add more kefir or a little water. When you have a nice ball, cover with a clean cloth for 30 minutes or more and let the kefir continue to work. Separate dough into 4 equal small balls. You may need a little extra flour or dried pulp to keep from sticking. The dough should be easy to handle. Flatten each ball with your hands until you have four 1/4” flat pancakes. These may be in the shape of a circle - like a Chinese scallion cake - or an oval shape - like a Indian naan).You may also try to roll the big ball into 1/4” and then use this for a grain free Italian pizza dough or use a glass to make rounds that you may choose to serve as a Mediterranean pita!
On medium high warm your favorite oil - I like avocado oil because of its high smoke point. I love my cast iron pan for this.
Place your flattened cakes onto the pan, brown for 4-6 minutes, flip and brown the other side for 2-3 more minutes. You should get a nice naan looking bread that is so yummy! Serve warm and enjoy!
