There is something very wonderful about eating foods that are yummy AND that are good for you! Oh the joy of knowing that my love of making fermented foods is helping guts heal.
This week’s recipe is so easy and fun~!
I call it Beetchi Rice Wraps. You will need
8 rice paper wraps (these are usually from Vietnam and can be found in the rice aisle of any grocery store)
1 c Beetchi
2 T avocado oil
CoCoFir Dipping Sauce
1/4 c CoCoFr
3 T Almond Butter
1 clove garlic
1 tsp shredded ginger
salt and pepper to taste
chopped cilantro and scallions for garnish and finish
To make the rice wraps, simply dip in water, one by one, a sheet of the wraps. Place on a dish and let soften (maybe 15 seconds). When soft, add 1/4 c well drained Beetchi, in the middle of the wrap. Roll one side, then fold the ends inward, finishing with the other side so it almost looks like a stuffed pillow. Repeat with another circle of wrap. You will end up with a double wrapped rectangle. When you have folded all 8 wraps, you will have 4 completed rectangles.
Warm the avocado oil on a cast iron pan. Place each of the rectangle pillows onto the hot oil. You may lower the temperature to med high. Fry these on one side for 3 minutes, and then flip over to finish for another 3 minutes. They should be slightly brown and crunchy.
Serve warm with the CoCoFir dipping sauce. Add some cut up veggies, and you have yourself a nice dish of fermented yumminess with lots of fiber, and tons of probiotic goodness!