Our muun chi Cacao CoCoFir has been selling out! I must admit, I’m kinda partial to it. Although I DO love our original just as much (just as with my children, it’s impossible to have a favorite!), it’s just that I like the way the raw cacao helps me have a nice deep sleep at night and the dark cacao smell and texture does remind me of a chocolate mousse. I also use maca root instead of refined sugar to sweeten the experience and maca is great for improved blood circulation.
One of my regular shoppers showed up last week to buy our large Cacao CoCoFir, excited to tell me how she loves to spread it on her banana bread. This week’s recipe is honor of Beth:
A slice of your favorite bread
2 T or more of muun chi Cacao CoCoFir
Take your favorite bread, toasted or not. Slice it and instead of lathering it with butter, simply spread muun chi Cacao CoCoFir on it. If it’s warm, watch it melt into the pores and cracks of the bread. If the bread is cold, enjoy the cool cacao flavor combined with the chewiness of the bread.
My sweet friend, Reta, makes a wicked gluten free bread that she shares with me every week (one day I’ll master learning how to make her special treat..it is too yummy not to!). I tried warming a slice of her bread and slathering the CoCoFir on it after my dinner. The combination of the sweetness of the banana and the bitterness of the cacao was divine! I had the best sleep ever, thanks to the magnesium in the banana bread and the high levels of flavonols in the polyphenols of the raw cacao. I could feel my improved blood flow as I drifted off to sleep, experiencing the calm and bliss take over.

You are very kind! Thank you!
Love the way you write, Manette!
I would be honored to share the recipe ♥️♥️♥️♥️ I can't wait to try this combination myself 💋💋