I love learning about foods and traditions from different cultures. Charoset is a combination of fruit, nuts, spices and wine. I decided to use our muun chi Kvass instead of the wine and it was delicious, without any sugar. I understand that it is often served with the matzo bread. This dish is so versatile. I tried using it on a bed of chopped kale massaged with lemon, and it was yummy. I also tried serving it with celery and sliced cucumber. I love the sweet from the apples and the crunch from the walnuts.
2 Fuji apples with the skin on (any apple will do)
1/2 c chopped walnuts or almonds
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 c muun chi Golden or Jazz Kvass
1/4 c chopped dates or raisins
Chop the apples and dates into 1/4 inch - 1/2 inch cubes. Set aside. Chop the nuts with a food processor. Combine all the ingredients and let marinate overnight. Serve with your Passover feast or on your favorite bed of greens. It's so delicious, you could also eat it as a dessert. Enjoy~