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Lemony Walnut Swiss Chard Pesto

I have a ton of Swiss chard in my garden and lemons galore. I decided to make a pesto using the heart friendly walnut. I hope you like it!

1 cup fresh Swiss Chard, chopped with the stem

1/2 c basil

1/2 c walnuts

1/2 c muun chi Lemon Turmeric Chia pudding

2 tsp miso paste (I used the organic chickpea, but any would be fine)

3 cloves garlic

2 T olive oil

Combine all the ingredients in a food processor. Salt and pepper to taste. You may add an avocado to make it thicker. Or you may decide to add some CoCoFir if you want to make it more like a dressing and serve it on pasta or your favorite salad. This is a great prebiotic/probiotic pesto that is good for the heart, lungs and brain. Swiss chard is high in magnesium, Vitamins A, K and C. Enjoy~

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