I love thinking of yummy combinations of protein and fiber. These burgers are best made the day before you need them. Put the batter in the refrigerator overnight and then cook them the next day pan fried or in the oven. They are packed eith protein from the black bean and walnut, the resistant starch of the cold potato and the fiber from all the veggies.
Boil or steam or prepare in an instapot
2 c potatoes chopped
1 c cauliflower or broccoli chopped
Drain and add to the veggies
1 c cooked black bean or chickpeas
1 T garlic mashed
With a potato masher or fork mix the three ingredients together and add
 ¾ cup walnuts or cashews, chopped
 ½ cup green onion, minced
 ½ cup cilantro, minced
2 T onion
2 T curry powder
1 tsp muun chi Sweet Immunity
 Season with salt and pepper if desired
1 c crushed muun chi protein cracker crumbs (optional)
Set in the refrigerator overnight to make the potatoes into a resistant starch. Form the mixture into patties and roll them in the cracker crumbs if desired. Pan fry or spray with avocaso oil and bake at 375 degrees for 40 minutes.
Serve these veggie cakes with your favorite muun chi muunkraut or beetchi cruci. They are also delicious with the muun chi almond butter dressing.
Put them in a wrap or a leaf of Swiss chard,
or simply enjoy with a salad or soup!!