As I age, I wonder more about my father and the many lessons he taught me. He never went a day without a bowl of hot soup. As I age, I now have a new found appreciation for a bowl of a hearty soup - it’s a lot like a nice, heartfelt hug.
When it’s cold outside, my insides crave the comfort of a sweet and savory soup. Many visitors to the store asked for the recipe for this week’s soup as they sought refuge from an emotional week.
This seasonal soup is served easily as a meal. Try making it in the morning and letting the flavors of the many vegetables and spices merge over time. Here’s to you dad! I love you!
• 1 medium onion, diced
• 1 c sliced carrots
•. 1 c sliced celery
• 2 T muun chi fermented roots
• 1 tsp ground cumin
• 1 tsp smoked paprika
• 2 large sweet potatoes fully cooked (I steam til soft) - made the day before and refrigerated overnight
• 1 c mini rainbow potatoes cubed and made the day before
• 2 apples cubed
• 1 cup dried lentils (a combo of red and green)
• 2 c vegetable broth
• 2 c almond Mylk
• 1 c white navy bean
• 2–3 cups kale, chopped
• 1 teaspoon salt
• 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
• 1/4 c muun chi golden turmeric kvass
Sauté onions, carrots and celery with the fermented roots and some of the veggie broth. Season with cumin and paprika.
Add the cooked sweet potato and mash with the peel still on. Add the navy bean to the remaining broth and almond mylk, blend til smooth and thickened. Bring the soup to a boil. Add the lentils and chopped kale. Cook for 20 minutes til lentils are tender. Add the cooked rainbow potatoes and apple.
Season with the kvass and salt and pepper.
You may wish to serve with rice or quinoa or your favorite ancient grain bread. As you enjoy the sweetness of roots, veggies and fruit, you will certainly be adding diversity to your gut.