If my dad were still around, I’m pretty sure he’d want this soup for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It’s packed with his favorite mushrooms and tons of delicious herbs. I threw in my favorite white navy bean along with some resistant starch potatoes and I could hear him asking for another bowl.
1 medium onion diced
1 c diced celery
11b sliced mushrooms
1 tsp dried thyme
1 tsp dried rosemary
dash of sea salt and pepper
2 tsp coconut aminos
1 Tbsp muun chi fermented roots
2 c cooked white navy beans
3 cups vegetable broth
1lb diced sweet potato
Sauté the onion and celery with the fermented roots, add the herbs. Take 1/2 c of this mixture and put it with 1/2 c of the white navy bean with the veggie broth. Blend the mixture in a blender or food processor into a thickened broth.
Add the mushrooms and sweet potatoes to the onion and celery and sauté til fragrant. Add the thickened broth and the remainder of the white navy beans. Allow the flavors to merge and mingle.
Enjoy this warm bowl of soup as a meal or a side. It’s a great way to end the day…or begin the day if you’re like my fun guy dad:)