I adore this time of year. Veggies and fruit abound. Smells of a moist earth from early spring showers make a perfect home for new seedlings to make their way. Birds everywhere are letting us know how lucky we are.
One of my favorite spring veggie is the asparagus. Asparagus is a nutrient dense vegetable and a wonderful prebiotic. Throw in a bunch of different veggies with the asparagus and don't forget the lemon. It's pairs so well with this remarkable gift of spring.
1 diced onion
2 cloves minced garlic
4-5 diced Jerusalem artichoke (optional)
1/4 c chopped dill or chives
1/2 c chopped celery
1/2 c sliced rainbow carrots
1/2 c white navy bean
3 c vegetable broth
salt & black pepper to taste
1/2 c muun chi Lemon Chia Pudding
1 bunch asparagus, chopped
One fresh lemon
Mince the garlic and onion and let them sit while you prepare the rest. Remove the tough ends of the asparagus and save them for a broth. Mince the dill and combine with celery and artichoke.
Squeeze the juice from the lemon and then slice into discs, set aside These discs are going to float on top of your soup and continue to provide fresh flavor of spring while imparting antioxidants benefits.
Sauté the garlic, onion, celery, artichokes and dill. Add some broth to keep your veggie slurry moist. If you want to use avocado oil to sauté this mix, please feel free to. Recently I've been using a little broth instead of oil and it works just as well. I find that when I store the soup, particles of fat don't float to the top when I don't use oil. Sauté til fragrant.
Put your veggie slurry and place in a blender along with the lemon pudding and the navy bean. Blend til smooth. Don't worry if your artichoke is still firm, it will add bulk and prebiotics to your slurry.
Add the veggie broth and chopped asparagus. Cook til the asparagus is tender - 10 to 15 minutes. Scoop out about 1/2 cup of the asparagus and the rest of the soup place in a blender or immersion blender. Blend til chunky smooth. Return the 1/2 cup of asparagus and float your lemon slices in each bowl when you serve, with minced chives for a nice finish.
Keep it simple the first day. Then if there are any leftovers (not likely), I like to transform this simple soup into a stew. Add more more broth, some resistant potatoes, chopped beet leaves, chopped kale, quinoa, beans... the possibilities are endless. Your soup becomes a delicious spring stew highlighting the health benefits of multiple veggies working together to maximize your health. Enjoy!!